Kaunas city museum 

The museum is like the birthplace of new ideas, innovation, where on the cross point meets three perspectives: Past, Present, and Future.

This idea is represented with the triangle in connection with a rectangle the way that it looks like a new page, a new beginning, new ideas to happen.⠀⠀
A creative, vibrant and colorful brand resembles the dynamics of the museum. The brand is accompanied by historical illustrated objects, which capture the essence of each museum sector.

Kaunas city museum brand is designed to represent 5 museum sectors: 2 architectural monuments and 3 music history museums.

After creating a clear brand architecture each of the sectors has its own representative color and iconic illustration, which resembles the essence of each museum sector.

Although the overall brand look and feel remains in one style to be identified as one brand family.


Client: Kaunas City Mueum         Agency: Buro        Creative director: Artūras Bulota
Branding & Design: Lina Mass

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Brand architect & identity designer


hello @ linamass.com
+370 620 66742
Kaunas, Lithuania